History of Antalya in brief
Antalya and its environs, since the Paleolithic to today is inhabited. The plant Iliade of Homeros, some of Antalya place names mentioned, and that shows us that in this area, which in ancient times was called Pamphilia, in the year 1200 BC a local people lived. The area was the first time in the Kingdom of the Lydier by the Persians, and Alexander the great conquered. In the 2nd Century BC was the western section of Pamphilia by the King of Pergamon, the Attalos II, conquered, and the King, on the west coast of the Mediterranean city 'Attalia', so today's city of Antalya. The city is named after the death of the III. Attalos, to the Roman Empire, and from 4 Century AD transferred to the Byzantium. In 1207 the Seljuk conquered the city and the Turkish-Islamic era began. The city came at the end of the 14th C. Under the rule of the Ottomans.
History Museum
At the end of the First World War, when Antalya under occupation by the Italians, some Italian archaeologists have begun, allegedly on behalf of civilization in the centre and around the city aufgefundenen archaeological value pieces to the Italian consulate to drag. In order to stop these activities, the teacher in Sultani, the Lord Suleyman Fikri the Governor asked him as competent officials for historical works on the subject, and began the historical works collected in the center and tries, the Museum of Antalya to establish.
The museum was founded in 1922 in the mosque Alâeddin founded, but was in 1937 in the mosque Yivli, and, most recently in today's building. In 1982, it was because of extensive restoration and repair needs closed, and after the restoration and exhibition activities of the Directorate-General for museums and historical works, in April of 1985 in the new modern style again for the visit opened.
The museum has 13 exhibition halls, a department for children and courtyards. The works, mostly from the area, they are mostly in kronologischer, but also thematic order.
Natural history and prehistory
In addition to the three shop windows with various fossils of geological periods, even the carved stones, Handbeile, Kratzwerkzeuge, and tools out of bone issued from the Karain Cave come, and stratigraphy of cultures of the first inhabitants of Anatolia, to Paläolithischen to the Roman period.
The Karain Cave is 27 km away in the northwest of Antalya in the calcified Şam-Ausläufen of the mountain. In the cave were below the 10.5 m thick sand filling some findings from the Paleolithic period, and also remains of the teeth and skeleton of the Neanderthalers of mezolitischen time.
Semayük is a centre in the old Bronze Age can be seen. Most works are tombstones. Cups with different forms, stamps, brush handles, idols and especially the grave with quadratförmige gifts are sehenswürdig. The interesting aspect of this funeral is that the corpse in the position of an embryo in the belly of the mother in the grave quadratförmige is inserted.
Hall of small works - I
After the Tonrad was invented, is the art of ceramics at an advanced stage. Here are the forms of vases and their processing methods in a sequence of 12 Century BC until 3 Century BC.
Two shop windows in this part are interesting findings as Schminkmateriale and jewellery assigned.
Hall of the gods
Aphrodite, Tykhe, Athena, Artemis, Nemesis, Hygieia, Hermes, Dioskurlar, which is the main god Zeus anreihen, and the Egyptian Serapis, the son of Isis and Harpokrates are the gods in this room. The statues are the Roman Zweitfertigungen the Greek originals, 2 Jh.n.Chr. and all were in the Search in Perge.
Hall of small works - II
In the shop windows are exquisite works of 4 Jh.v.Chr. to 6 Century AD. The vase, to the Queen of Egypt Benerike gift, the silver platter of Athena, the statues of Apollo and Hercules in bronze, the head of Attis, the marble statue of Priapos, and small statues made of clay and marble are some copies of the exhibition .
In the underwater showcase finds from the ancient submerged vessels.
Hall of the emperors
The most beautiful examples of the portraits, which the main character of Roman sculpture, are in this hall to see. All the statues were in the excavations at Perge.
The reason that the statues from the 2.-3. Century AD in the majority, it is because it is the most splendid period in the historical course.
In addition to the portrait statues of emperors Traian, Hadrian, Septimius Severus, Sabina, Faustina, Julia Domna, Julia Soemias, Plankia Magna, there are also the statues of the three Hübschen, and the black-and-white marble statue of a dancer to the interesting examples.
Hall of graves - Culture
The two sarcophagi in the hall include the Domitias Filiskas and his family. The lid is when the couple to sleep. The Eros in the corners is the happiness of the family. The other main sarcophagi are to 2nd Estimated century AD and refers to Herakles. One of these tombs is an amazing example for the smuggling of historical works in our country. The sarcophagus was broken and some parts were smuggled abroad. Later, in a part of America in 1983 and returned to their proper place mounted.
In the hall are also in line with their original item findings in the grave and ash pots.
Halls of mosaics and icons
The mosaic is the most important, in the excavations in Seleukeia found Philosopher's mosaic, as the famous philosopher, speaker, historian and mathematician of the ancient time as Solon, Tukydides, Lykurgos, Heredotos, Demostenes, Hesiodos with their names displayed. On a broader mosaic of Seleukeia Orpheus is the description of his instrument with wild animals enchant.
In this section there are also examples of local sculpture, Spitz various tools, and corners for the technique of bronze statues.
The icons, in a separate hall issued come from the vicinity of Antalya and are mainly from the 18.-19. Century AD
Hall of coins
In this hall is from 6 Century AD to the 2500 year old tradition of minting coins in Anatolia, their technology and economy in a way to inform published. In the exhibition, especially the urban coins of Pamphilia, Pisidia, Likia, and the coins will also be the classic, Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottoman period in chronological order and predominantly local nature.
In this section are also found the treasures of gold and silver.
Ethnographic halls
The etnographischen our museum rooms consist of two large halls and a passage of these halls.
In the first hall are the tiles, porcelain, religious works, watches, jewelry, castles, keys, and clothes.
The tiles are works from the seldschukischen and Ottoman period. The seldschukischen the tiles were brought from Aspendos and have the Kubadâbat type and were in the middle of the 13th Century AD with the "Sıraltı" technology.
The Ottoman tiles in the form of quadratförmigen plates are examples of the art at work in Iznik 15-16-17 and 18 Century
The five porcelain plates are products of the factory Yildiz, until the end of the year 1920 a very short time work.
Religious works are objects that are almost in every place of Anatolia be seen. But the Koran by the time seldschukischen is a special work from our country.
In a showcase, the awards, stamps, talismans and watches. The talismans are Anbetungen magic and the magic has different purposes.
The jewels are the finest examples of the jewelry, which is still used in Antalya.
These are the key castles and also works as a special.
The clothes are divided into two groups, such as embroidered velvet dresses and nomads material. Among nomads dresses are stockings, pants, skirts, eingenähte bags, wraps substances and headgear.
In the passage to the second hall with religious songs, Anbetungen, awards and other writings labeled portraits of the old script artists.
The second hall is divided into four groups such as carpets, nomadic material, facilities, and weapons.
In this hall is next to the local plants and materials including carpets from the towns of Uşak, Gördes, Lâdik, Mucur, Bergama, Kula, and Avanos. The oldest carpet from our carpet collection is a carpet of the 16th century Uşak
The Döşemealtı - carpets are an important part of etnographischen works. Döşemealtı is the name of a large area in the north-east of Antalya. The oldest and traditionsentsprechende example of Döşemealtı - carpets, which we very different compositions have seen, are the carpets with the name "Halelli. They are plants with Nomadenkharacter and mostly with young masses.
The tissues come from Antalya, such as bags, backpacks, prayer rugs and column cladding, the technique of sili, cicim, sumak and kilim and nomads are as interesting works.
A part of the hall is a modest house in Antalya with living room, bedroom, bathroom and dar.
In a part of the show windows are various weapons and auxiliary materials, Arrow, archery and arms up to knives, from pistols with caps and detonators to guns and swords, from exercise rooms to gunpowder, powder measuring tools and Ölkannen.
Incidentally are also weighing tools and work benches with the names istar, mutaf and el çufalığı, and musical instruments and spoons are also included amongst the local plants.
The flute with envelope, the nomads and Spritzspiessgeige and the whistle from the wing bones of a eagle are interesting examples of musical instruments.
The spoon comes from the village in the district Bademli Cevizli the city Kaşıklar, and will be from the design stage through to the finished product in a sequence.
Department of Children
A hall at the entrance of the museum is a children's museum and is the first example in our country.
In the shop windows in this hall are the children toys and savings rifle collection of various ancient times.
To known historical works and to arouse interest, in the studio department some light repairs, teaching hours of work with ceramics, statues, pictures and designed the works.
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