Babadagi, Fethiye
Particularly popular is the parachuting from 1,980 m high Babadagi in Fethiye. Traumhaft is the view from the air to the countless bays, including Ölü Deniz, the most photographed bay Turkey. A unique landscape, sunshine tired of the crystal-clear sea and the wide range of sporting activities each year attract thousands of sports tourists here. Best flight and weather conditions for the skydiving prevail from April to October.
Denizli, Pamukkale
From the mountain Cökelen in Denizli, 21 km from Pamukkale, are year-round parachute flights. Several hills, with practice hills, can be withdrawn.
The Abant Mountains, 34 km from Bolu and 25 km from the Abant Lake, several slopes to start flying parachute. Preference will Örencik-Alm. The Abant Lake, with its diverse flora picnic area and excursion destination, the good opportunities for sport.
The Egirdir Lake, 60 km from Isparta, is surrounded by hills, which are suitable skydiving. The flying club of Süleyman Demirel University in Isparta, in the hills with practice flights.
On the mountain Dagi Ali, 15 km away from Kayseri, the private flying club in the Erciyes University in the weekend training flights. In addition Fallschirmfliegern come trekkers, mountain bikers and skiers in the province of Kayseri. World famous and very well-developed tourism is the nearby Cappadocia.
Eskisehir 15 km away from the training facilities of the Turkish aviation, the courses here. The northern mountain slopes with their winds blowing from the north, especially in the summer an ideal terrain for skydivers.
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