During a aufenthaltes Izmir in 1930 decided to Ataturk, in the light of cold weather in the warm climate of Antalya for a few days holiday. On 5 March he made with the car on the road and met for İsparta and Burdur on 6 March 1930 in the afternoon in Antalya. The population of Antalya was the right and left of the road espalier, from the coast to the city led. In order to clock 16.00 Ataturk was on the "Tophane" solemnly place a villa as a gift. Ataturk moved immediately for a short time there. When he briefly appeared on the balcony, cheered him a huge crowd. With a short speech thanked the citizens of Ataturk in Antalya.
At night, he took part in a meeting of the "Turk Ocak", with the young people there the country's problems to discuss. At midnight he returned to Villa. Ataturk remained until the morning of the 12th March 1930 in Antalya. During this time, he undertook several trips to historic sites and museums and met with the owners for Zitrusfruchtplantagen to technical discussions. On 12 March 1930, he traveled recovered well with his travel companions again.
Even if Ataturk on 10.2.1931 at midday again arrived in Antalya, he remained this time not for a long time. He was with the steamer "Aegean" of Izmir from Silifke to go. His third visit in Antalya fell to February 1935. Ataturk was 16.2. with the steamboat departed from Izmir and on Sunday, 18.2.1935 at 13.30 in the port of Antalya. He was accompanied by his sister Makbule Atadan, Nebile Hanım, Prof. Afet Inan, Farettin Altay, Nuri Conker, Cevat Abbas Gürer and its Adjudanten. At the pier, the group climbed carriages and went straight to the Villa Atatürk where all ausruhten until the evening. At night we went to Erenkuş, spent the night in the villa. The next day at 22.20 clock, the Aegean steamer with Ataturk and his tour group and took off course in Taşucu.
The two Atatürk stone villa is equipped with a tile roof. You enter through the entrance at first a long corridor to his right side a salon, one bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. Within the two salons, a staircase to the upper floor up. There are seven rooms, one of which is a balcony. Ataturk was always the room directly opposite the stairs.
After Atatürk death was the first villa in a private administration on before them as "Art Institute and Academy for Girls" was used. 1952 took over the Ministry of Agriculture of the building to bring it in the following years for the management of agricultural technology to use. 1980, the property in the possession of the Ministry of Culture, was restored as a museum and the public.
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