Turkey with its high mountains, high plateau, high plains, dense forests, a rich flora and fauna, mountain hikers and climbers a variety of ways, the beautiful countryside on foot. The most famous mountains of Turkey in the Black Sea region in the Taurus Mountains, in central, northern and southeastern Anatolia. Venerable summit, the climbers each heart beat faster, are inneranatolischen mountain massif of the mountain Erciyes (2,917 m), agriculture (5,137 m), Süphan (4,058 m), Hasan (3,263 m) and the Nemrut (3,050 m) all of which are extinct volcanoes. In the south-east Anatolia Gebirgszone are Taurus or Beydag (3,086 m), the Bolkar (3,524 m), Hakkari Cilo (glacier) and Only (Amanos).
In the seclusion schlummernder peaceful villages and wild romantic rock gardens are nomads, goats and sheep herds often their only companion. Fascinating are the views from the high plateau on snow peaks.
Agri, Eastern Anatolia
The largest and highest mountain in Turkey is the Agri (5,165 m) in Eastern Anatolia. He is not only because of its geological characteristics, but mainly because of the legends that surround him, even famous abroad. The rock is up to 4,000 m from basalt, however, shows even higher in the documents with his andesite lava rocks the typical characteristics of a volcano. About the summit is a glacier cover. On the eastern side of the mountain is the Serdarbulak Alm, 3,896 m on the small Agri. The huge mountain with its meadows, which are up to the snow line hinaufziehen, its glaciers and interesting rock formations fascinated visitors each time anew. From July to September is the best time to climb. This authorisation is required.
Beyadaglar, Antalya
In the western Taurus Mountains which runs parallel to the mountain Beydaglar Gulf of Antalya. The Kizlar is 3,069 meters the highest peak. From high above offers a fantastic view of the Mediterranean and Antalya. Who am on some sleep waived, a fantastic sunrise observed. The mountain is not only popular destination in summer for mountain tourists, but also in winter. Also skydiving is possible. On a clear day the view from berauschender beauty.
Erciyes, Central Anatolia
The extinct, 3,916 m high volcano, with its always with snow-covered peaks, the highest mountain Mittelanatoliens and symbol of the city of Kayseri. His lava covering thousands of years ago the plains and valleys and firmed behind to a soft tufa stone, from the erosion of interesting rock formations emerged, such as the famous fairy chimneys in Cappadocia. The mountain is not only for hiking, but also for winter sports. On the eastern slope is located at an altitude from 2,100 to 2,900 m is the Tekir Alm, the well-known winter sports area. Who at the summit, can quite Cappadocia to the Taurus mountains overlooking. The best time for a mountain climb is from May to October.
Bolkar, Taurus
The Bolkar Mountains in the middle Taurus Mountains are considered to be Turkish foothills of the Alps. They run parallel to the southern Anatolian coast. Medetsiz The 3,524 m is the highest summit. Anyone who Bolkar Mountains erwandern you should be Meydan camp in detail, or 45 minutes in the remote southwest Karagl Lake, which is 2,650 m above sea level. In June, the yellow flowers admire water, with which the entire lake is covered. The best time for ascents is from May to August.
Aladaglari, Eastern Taurus
54,524 hectares of mountain Aladaglar, between Kayseri, Adana, Nigde and drags, in 1995 because of its diverse flora and fauna declared a national park. Who will also high, one of three than 3,700 m high mountain chain climb. But even at 3,000 metres altitude, there are several summits, the numerous lakes frame. Annual time are favourable in the months of June through September. The arrival of Nigde, and Camardi Cukurbag.
Rize Kackar, Black Sea
The Kackar Mountainrange with their highest peaks Altiparmak (3,480 m), Kavran (3,932 m) and Verenik (3,710 m) runs with its glaciers, blue lakes, thick forests and wild rivers between the cities and Hopa Rize on the Black Sea coast. From the south easy to climb, the mountain annually attracts hundreds of climbers. In clear weather, the wonderful panorama of mountains to admire. Who they climb from the north wants to be an experienced climber. When descent can be found on the Ayder Alm overnight, and the thermal baths visit. In summer, the months of August and September, during the winter months of February and March favourable for an increase.
Süphan, Van Lake, East
The Süphan rises north of Lake Van in Eastern Anatolia between Adilcevaz, Ercis and Patnos. With 4,058 m is the extinct volcano of the third summit Anatolia. His mountain is always covered with ice crust. During the ascent from the east is the Van Lake a great panorama. June, July, August and September are the best ascent.
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