To the south is Hatay, where we encounter at every turn of history. Antakya is the preface to this story whose beginning. When the city was founded in Antakya? The history verzeichenen following the founding of the city, for which there are plenty of legends.
After the death of the Macedonian King Alexander the Great wanted the son of Atiokos, one of his splendid generals, wanted to establish a state Selefkos and came to the area in Hatay, a suitable place for the capital of this state. It was beautiful everywhere, and when he simply could not decide, he prayed to the head of the gods Zeus and asked for a miracle as a sign of the location of the city. Just as he darbrachte the victim and wanted in the temple, an eagle fell from heaven, took a piece of the victim and let it prostrate on the sea shore. The eagle came again, this time he took the rest of the major victims in its endeavour, is lifted to the sky and brought it to the slopes of Mount Silpio after Orante, ie on the left bank of the river with the current name "Asi." Selefkos decreed that the eagle of Zeus had been sent and decided to begin the sea at a port, then on the left bank of the river Asi his Hauptsatadt to build and a little later, the completed construction of the city. In the year 300 BC, the city was solemnly opened the nation. Selefkos called this city in memory of his father Antiohia, which over time Antakya.
The city of Antakya grew me of the time, took a good development and has been during the Roman period to one of the richest cities in the south. The city was considered one of the most important religious centers of the Byzantine Empire. Then the city was the turn of the Abbasi, the Seljuk, the crusaders and finally by the Ottomans conquered. In every era they are adorned with a song, every building which was built, took his rise from a forecast. The Habib Neccar mosque in Antakya e.g. is the tale of the conquest by the Islamic Army. This forecast is as follows:
Another legend
The successor to the beloved prophet, his Heikigkeit Omer, send entire Army divisions to Diyar-ı Rûm [land of the Romans] and then called in Christian hands are to conquer Anatolia and Islamisieren. One of these armies is under the command of Ebu Übey, another of the Cerrah as they march in Antakya. The enemy is strong, the mountainous terrain. The armies of Islam, in the excitement of the Jihad and in anticipation of the martyr death, they pursue the enemy and take his castles. Ebu Ubey has a heroic standard-bearer named Habib Neccar. At the height of fighting a battle with Habib Neccar the banner of honour in one hand and his sword in the other in the front rows. Whenever the Commander calls: "To help, Habib," he raises without his life to save, forward against the ranks of the enemy soldiers and infuses the zeal and enthusiasm. In just one day such fights only in the mountains near Antakya. The enemy is holding a mountain and will not be soft. And Ebu Übey not otherwise know to help its last hope is his standard-bearer. As the battle rages yeasty, made the call again "To help, Habib." Habib Roars "yallah" and quickly climbs the mountain penetrates into the ranks of the enemy and planted the banner on the highest peak of the mountain. He planted in, but the enemies do not differ from him with a sword and string separate his head from the fuselage. Since braust the Islamic army and climbs the mountain as lightning. You can find the fuselage of people head Habib Neccar. The enemy is in retreat, tägt abr the head of the Habib on a lance to them and they are cultivating it as a cautionary example to the highest tower of the fortress of Antakya.
The armies of Islam besiege a few days later Antakya. As the fierce battle rages, are voices from the severed head of the Habib on the fortified tower.
-- My brothers, my heroes, here I am. Stürmt her from the right, runs to the left.
As the votes from the severed head listen to throw the Muslims with enthusiasm forward, the soldiers of the enemy, however, take the panic. After a few hours the stronghold used by the residents of the town is the tax.
The Commander Ebu Übey but buried the severed head of the Habib and built on a tomb, and a mosque. The fuselage is in a separate grave in the mountains only to the final resting bedded.
And that is the forecast and the song of all known today Habib Neccar mosque. Back to the underground grave of Habib Neccar at the mosque today, the pilgrims, according to the Rezitierung the Fatiha [1 Sure of the Koran] fresh memory of their heroes this song again.
As the Holy Çelebi, our wortgewandter travellers before two hundred and forty years after Antakya came, he also has the tomb of Habib Neccar visited and the corresponding forecasts collected. The Holy Çelebi According to Habib Neccar at the time of the prophet Jesus lived, believed in him and wonder how Jesus gewitkt. Later he was invited by the idolaters killed by his head abschlug. One statement of the Holy Çelebi According to the fortress Antakyas, according to Istanbul, one of the greatest fortresses ever. In his itinerary he follows:
"So high walls and towers of the fortress as the Antakyas I have seen nowhere else. The walls, on the east side resting on high mountains, 80 Ellen high. The walls on the banks of the river Asi are against only 20 Ellen high. Each the rock from which the fortress was built, is about the size of an elephant trunk. The great masters Ferhat it with his axe aneinandergefügt so that they serve a single rock would hold ... "
The environment is Antakyas of historical remains littered. One of them is located on the railway line Iskenderun - Payas ... At a pillar of the ruins of the city gate of Iskenderun say they are "pillars of Jonas". The forecast shows that the fish the prophet Jonas, before the attacks a pagan tribe fled to a coast and swallowed by the fish was at this point spat out again. The Prophet Jonas has in this pillar spoken to the people and put them on the path of God created.
From the ruins of Arsuz states that once were here Meerjungrauen washed ashore and had been a city founded and based in the southern ports are on the scene every step of forecasts.
Antakya was during its history, the scene of numerous events. After the battle of Mercidabik in 1516, it was accompanied by Yavuz Sultan Selim osmanischem the area einverleibt and as a government district centre managed. After the First World War suffered Antakya the occupation by the enemy, during the national struggle it reached agreement with Ankara on October 20, 1921, within the government district Iskenderun an autonomous status. As a result of negotiations between France and Turkey, it was part of the Free State of Hatay and came on July 11, 1939 to the mother country, Turkey and the central city of our government bezirkes Hatay
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