After the First World War, there were no empires. Under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk had liberated the occupied zones, set up a parliament and the Lausanne Treaty Turkey in its present borders known.
On 9 September 1923, the Republican People's Party was founded, the first president Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. The aim of the party, has been the country to modernize and to rebuild Western standards. To state a contemporary form, was on 29 October 1923 the Republic. Unanimously Mustafa Kemal Ataturk was the first state minister of Turkey chosen as the first prime minister Ismet Inönü activated.
Four months later, members of the Ottoman aristocracy from the country because their presence with the principles of a republic no longer sent. Other reforms followed. In the area of women's rights were important steps in the direction of equality done. The polygamy was veboten and a civil wedding was mandatory. The divorce law was introduced. The women were given long before many European countries, the right to vote and to be elected, such as 1930 into the city parliament, 1934 in the Elders of the villages and 1934 into the government Parliament.
In the field of language, there was a revolution: The Education and Ministry of Education of professionals had a Turkish alphabet with the Latin characters develop, and a law to use the new writing was on 1 November 1928 adopted by the Parliament. 1931 were weight and length extent the European standard.
As part of an effort, a modern state to create in 1928 the section of Islam as the state religion called from the basic laws removed. 1937, added that the Turkish State is a secular state. As the dynamic, politically sensitive and skillful diplomat at 10. November 1938 from the life resigned, he left a Turkey on the Rise, a country whose basic building blocks for a democracy he had made and now only continue in his footsteps.
After Ataturk Ismet Inonu death was the second state president of the young Republic. The consequences of the Great Depression tried Inonu with its state policy to keep within limits. His greatest political success was, however, Turkey from the Second World War. The student movements of the 68s, the wave of France from around the world ran, were, of course, also in Turkey on the agenda. What initially only as a protest movement against the higher education system and the existing examination system was turned into an ideological struggle with political content.
In the seventies of the 20th Century had economic problems in Turkey abounded. Basic food, gasoline and propane have become a scarce commodity - the black market flourished. The Demirel government laws reformed and strengthened as the economy.
Notable during the eighties were the courageous and resolute economic reforms the government Ozal. Turkey is evolving from an importing country to an export country. They opened Europe. Good contacts with Central Asia and Europe helped by Turkey on a tourist boom and a good market for their products.
After dissolution of the Sovjetunion formed in June 1992, the Black Sea Economic Community, whose members Turkey, the Caucasus, the Balkans and all other Karadeniz basin international communities are located.
In the nineties of the 20th Century, Turkey was of coalition governments in many combinations governed. This democratic diversity is a further step on the road to the European Union.
On 9 September 1923, the Republican People's Party was founded, the first president Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. The aim of the party, has been the country to modernize and to rebuild Western standards. To state a contemporary form, was on 29 October 1923 the Republic. Unanimously Mustafa Kemal Ataturk was the first state minister of Turkey chosen as the first prime minister Ismet Inönü activated.
Four months later, members of the Ottoman aristocracy from the country because their presence with the principles of a republic no longer sent. Other reforms followed. In the area of women's rights were important steps in the direction of equality done. The polygamy was veboten and a civil wedding was mandatory. The divorce law was introduced. The women were given long before many European countries, the right to vote and to be elected, such as 1930 into the city parliament, 1934 in the Elders of the villages and 1934 into the government Parliament.
In the field of language, there was a revolution: The Education and Ministry of Education of professionals had a Turkish alphabet with the Latin characters develop, and a law to use the new writing was on 1 November 1928 adopted by the Parliament. 1931 were weight and length extent the European standard.
As part of an effort, a modern state to create in 1928 the section of Islam as the state religion called from the basic laws removed. 1937, added that the Turkish State is a secular state. As the dynamic, politically sensitive and skillful diplomat at 10. November 1938 from the life resigned, he left a Turkey on the Rise, a country whose basic building blocks for a democracy he had made and now only continue in his footsteps.
After Ataturk Ismet Inonu death was the second state president of the young Republic. The consequences of the Great Depression tried Inonu with its state policy to keep within limits. His greatest political success was, however, Turkey from the Second World War. The student movements of the 68s, the wave of France from around the world ran, were, of course, also in Turkey on the agenda. What initially only as a protest movement against the higher education system and the existing examination system was turned into an ideological struggle with political content.
In the seventies of the 20th Century had economic problems in Turkey abounded. Basic food, gasoline and propane have become a scarce commodity - the black market flourished. The Demirel government laws reformed and strengthened as the economy.
Notable during the eighties were the courageous and resolute economic reforms the government Ozal. Turkey is evolving from an importing country to an export country. They opened Europe. Good contacts with Central Asia and Europe helped by Turkey on a tourist boom and a good market for their products.
After dissolution of the Sovjetunion formed in June 1992, the Black Sea Economic Community, whose members Turkey, the Caucasus, the Balkans and all other Karadeniz basin international communities are located.
In the nineties of the 20th Century, Turkey was of coalition governments in many combinations governed. This democratic diversity is a further step on the road to the European Union.
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