The truth of this story is bezwiefelt of Herodotus, but if Croesus called, comes mostly in a sense. Towards the end of the era of kings Habichtswald had the richness of the Sardis peak. At that time, all ways, politicians and Vornehemen to Sardis to visit and to meet with Croesus.
Solon set a condition that the laws of Athens, which he had adopted, should not be changed and to ensure that he decided, to leave Athens and on a ten-year journey to go. During this trip comes after he Sardis. Croesus meets the Solon with its legendary hospitality and entertained him. After a few days, three or four days after his arrival, he shows him the legendary treasures of the palace. As he, as much as possible, Sardis, the palace and change his life has shown, he asked the Solon:
Athenischer My friend! I have learned a lot from your knowledge and your whiteness. I also know that their lot, too. That is why I ask you a question. Who is the happiest man, her in the world have seen? A man from Athens called Tellus! The Croesus of this response is surprised and asks for the reason:
Solon says that there are two reasons, the first that he was rich in life and had two sons had well-the second: it was a good life in a glorious way died. Croesus This answer is curious about the man zweitglücklichsten Solon reflects not the answer, which he wants to hear:
Zwie young men from Argos, says Solon. They were called Kleobis and Biton. They had a good income. They won fame as Atlethen. When the inhabitants of the Argos celebrated festival of Hera, she wanted her mother with the ox cart to the findings. Since the late steers came from the field, they spannten himself in front of the car and pulled the car the six kilometers to the temple. The front of the temple Versammelten and their mothers cheered them on. After this cheering the two youths slept in the temple and never awoke. The inhabitants of Argos' could customize their statues and sent them to Delphi. Croesus considers it no longer and asked openly:
So far, so good for these men, but what do you say to my happiness? Is it so bad to me that you do not even me with you mentioned ordinary men want to compare? Solon is a truly wise answer:
My Lord, we know that the gods and the people neiden joy to have them in the misfortune to fall. Your fragtet me to the fate of mankind. If so, it sounds: During the years pass, the man much, from whom he hopes it would otherwise come and he learns much suffering. We never know what the man on the next day. That's why you see how the Croesus anheimgegeben to chance. You are very rich, is on countless countries, but until I hear that you are happy getorben, I asked you the question was not answered. Many rich men are unhappy and also the man of sufficient income can be lucky. The second is in two respects better than the first. Using the word happy for anybody that has not died. Until that day, you're not a happy person, but one that lucky. Because happiness is, who many goods held them until the final could keep quiet and finally died. What it needs to go, always look to the end.
As we mentioned above, it is because of the life of Croesus and data Solon not likely that the two met. Herodotus, not by some as the father of history, but as the father of lies is being seen, will probably already at the end of Croesus mention or show that the gods punish the famous Croesus had deswgen and has invented this story. The son of Croesus, Atys, he has the same punishment motif continued. After the events of which we continue to learn in detail below, take the Persians captured the Croesus and bring him before the Cyrus. At the beginning of the battle, the Cyrus ordered with certainty, the Croesus suffering should not happen now that he is caught, he bids him together with fourteen lydischen children on a pyre to burn. Croesus, in a calm and wind night in Sardis on the pyre, is suddenly remembers to Solon and seufst three times and each time it says the name of the Solon:
Solon Ah! Solon Ah! Solon Ah!
Until then, the Croesus was not amended to bring it desperately now complains about the attention of Cyrus awakens, and orders his men, Croesus to ask who it Solon and why he had to call him. Only the Croesus will not answer these questions. But as the questions are asked again, he no longer stand:
He is a man with all the kings of the world must speak, he says, and tells what was spoken between them.
Then bids Cyrus, the fire, but despite all the effort will not expect the fire. Despite the calm weather and wind gathers the god Apollo, the actions of Croesus has heard the clouds and rain falling now clears the fire. Croesus is saved and goes together with Cyrus on a long journey.
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