His father was the god Zeus, his mother, however, a man who Pluton. The glorious king Tantalus is in Manisa, as well as in Sipylum. But even this fabulously rich king is only mortal. Even though he is in heaven of the gods is hosted at the same table with the gods and that drink nectar, it is this high king but mortal. Since he is mortal, but in addition to the immortals einherlebt and this lack (!) Constantly feel the need Tantalus improper thoughts come. Finally, he one day the wrath of the gods.
Among the reasons for his dispute mt the gods, different histories. So should he order the dog of Zeus Hermos not to give a sworn perjury. It is said that this perjury, the gods angry: (In a speech to the gods of a dog, to which he may well have sworn? If it is not an oath to the gods was!)
According to another tradition, he has a secret not for itself, Tantalus. Sagten we do not have anything before, Tantalus was a mortal man! The best known "guilt" is his fraud of the gods, and what a fraud! A little before have we talked to Tana Talos with the gods sat at the table. As usual, he has the gods guest and hosts them in his magnificent palace. An nothing he lets them missing. He exaggerates even his host role. It is as if he and his excessive hospitality to say the following: Well, ye gods, but I am a human being. But see, although I am only a mortal, see what I can do will create. Look at my wealth, my power to see on the table, I have prepared you gods!
Because he thinks so, or believes that he thinks so, but he was very happy ponds in the process of Tantalus. But he can not observe his sadness, he tries to the delight of Göttter participate. As it should be happy, that day he has the life of his son Pelops sacrificed. From the meat of Pelops is the court of meat cooked meal. On the table are applied courses. And finally, the servants bring the meat dish. Since the unexpected happens. The gods ekeln, as the meat dish. In their faces stet the horror. From the middle reaches only the goddess of nature, Demeter, according to the flesh, takes a piece and eat. But the other gods at the table it does not stir once. Because they have recognized it from the meat of Pelops, son of Tantalus and grandchildren of Zeus, prepares.
The wrath of the gods is great. They accuse Tantalus into the depths of Hades. The magnificent king suffers in the depths of Hades its terrible punishment and died there. Thus, the gods "Tantalosqualen" all of us in the heart. The eternal thirst and the never-ending agony of Tantalus could only Orpheus with his songs alleviate. Homer describes the torture of Tantalus in Hades as follows: The Tana Talos I saw that he was suffering terrible torture. He stood upright in the middle of a lake, It rose and rose water, up to his chin But because he wanted to do a trunk, Could not he drops erriechen, the old water bent, Beugte and bent down and the water and most important, Verschwand as well as in the soil and A mud appeared at his feet, Pitch Black. At that hour a God dried the lake. The fruit hung in front of his head, in front of him from the tree branches, Pears, pomegranates, shiny apples, figs honigsüße, Feiste olive hung down, But hardly stretched the old hands to pick the fruit, Kam on a wind, scattered between the black clouds.
We must not forget that the geopferte and slaughtered man, whose meat was cooked, the grandson of Zeus. Zeus but will not, that his grandson Pelops simply disappear. He gathers the pieces of the corpse of Pelops. He adds the aufgesammelten pieces together. He sees, however, that a piece of a shoulder missing. This had shoulder Demeter, without knowing it, eaten. But also know the high god Zeus relief. Instead of missing shoulder he makes a shoulder ivory. And he breathes new life to Pelops. Maybe Zeus was such ancestor of our days advanced Protesenmacherhandwerkes. Let us again Tantalus.
Why Tantalus played this dangerous game that his son's life cost? This question never wanted to authors from the head. Some authors argue that it never had such zugetragen: "This story replaces truth lies, Would the holy gods most people eat meat? " It is not easy for a mortal been on the table of the gods to sit. It mus provocative, provocative been unbearable. And so depressing. The mortal man has always felt that it was a secret power ... And the gods? They came, sat down at the table of the Tantalus, ate, drank, and after a while they are as people had, they went back uf its Olympus, and lived again their gods existence. But Tantalus against: The gods eat what they want, drink what they want, entertain their friends, but he himself is a man, a mortal ... The gods would have it must know the Tantalus that would not tolerate ... Tantalus was a mortal. But he brought a curse on himself and his gender. And then came what was the penalty, he should suffer.
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