Before the city the name of Magnesia ad Sipylum believed it was previously Tantalis. Pliny knows the city as capital of Lydia / Maiona. The kingdom, whose capital Tantalis was called the Kingdom of Tantalus.
If one excludes from this information, you can come to the conclusion that Sardis at a later date the capital was Lydiens.
The first stories Manisa begin with the founder of the city Tantalis, Tantalus. Tantalus was a mortal. Later, his grave on Mount Manisa, a continuation of the Yamanlar ridge, have been found. This archeologischer Fund is so important that he has an impact on the relationship between mytholgische Manisa and Tantalus.
Finally, many authors have also begun a relationship between Tantalus and Izmir for it.
One of them is Dr. Çınar Atay, ebenfall believes that the Phrygier and Lydier before the founding of Izmir and the mountain was an old Siyle-phrygisch.
lydischer mountain, where he behautet, the first city of Izmir is the foundation on this mountain was geegründete Tantalus. The author also agrees with the assertion that this first in the mountains are Yamanlar city was founded by Tantalus. The same view is also Prof. Dr. M. Serdaroğlu. If we agree we need the city of Tantalus, as in mythology survived, on the mountain Sipyle / Manisa and at one point near Manisa.
We must also rechenen with the possibility that after Tantalis soil verwschunden or down in the sea, Pelops Sipyle the city and another city Izmir founded. After Tantalis there are stories there is authentic to the city of Smyrna / Izmir and it is probably in the years around 1300 BC. After one of the hypotheses comes thesis that the many municipal centres at the foot of the mountain Sipyla also Smyrna / Izmir founded, the sex of the Pelops. As we explain more fully below, is the son of Pelops Tantalus.
For Izmir, as well as for Manisa, the idea seems obvious that after the city Tantalis at another point a second city was founded in Izmir, which until now existed. This idea also supports our view that the city Sipyle previously magnesia and parts of Smyrna Tanalis have been. But here, we want to the importance of the children of Tantalus, Pelops and Niobe, for the creation and life of the city indicates magnesia. For thousands of years is the natural monument to the tradition that the Niobe, as a concrete piece of evidence. That extends the probable discovery of the tomb of Tantalus in closer proximity to Izmir not preclude a relationship between Tantalus undd Lydia and magnesia ruled out. It should also Tantalis the city. We do not yet have historical, mythologischhes or archeologisches knowledge that Tantalis than the first settlement would confirm Izmir. The mythological tradition that has dr god Zeus Tantalis the city under the mountain Sipyle buried, in order to punish Tantalus. The famous Strabo warns it considers to believe and why Tantalis / magnesia could be as many other famous cities, including Sardis by seismic activity has been destroyed. As one believes, the city was Sipylos later in the place of Tantalis.
Prof. Dr. Oktay takes the Akşit that the city during the after 12 Ct. BC made people walk through the Phrygier was founded. Bilge Umar, however, claimed the Phrygier would never have reached the Aegean coast and justified this with the Tata thing that the Greeks, the oldest bekennte Anatolian tribe. This period is the second phase Manisas.
During the Sipylumsphase the city was by the son of Tantalus, Pelops, on behalf of the Phrygier government. With the rise of the town geriet Sardis Manisa in their addiction. Sipylum continued his existence as an important lydische city. Among the three phases of the ancient past of the city of Manisa, as a result there are different views.
Bilge Umar represents regarding Manisas follows: Both western Anatolia and Greece were in 2nd Millennium BC home of the Luwi. It seems no one had considered the possibility that the name could magnesite from the Luwischen. It would be great similarity of the word magnesia with the name of the city of Leleges on the Bodrum Peninsula, Madnesa, suggest this possibility. I think magnesia The name comes from the Luwischen and can with some certainty that, in its original form Magnesa. The Greek magnesia mentioned Apollonius of Rhodes in his Argonautika as Magnesa, ie he gives the names are not the ending (sia), but the ending (sa). (The author mentions other examples and further remarks.) Sun shows that the e magnesia on behalf of a shift from a volume. From the above Bige of Umar views aside, the relationship of the ancient with the Manisa mentioned by Homer recent Thessaly.
There were three cities with the name of magnesia. This was a Greek Thessaly. The other two are located in Anatolia. One is our Manisa ... Manisa This is also the one with the longest-lasting existence. The second Manisa in Anatolia, however, is in the basin of the Menderes is Magnesia ad Maendros ... Oktay Akşit approaching the view Bilge Umars and expressed doubts whether the Anatolian little older, or the Greek Manisa. Magnet / Magnes is the son of the wind of God and the Aiolos Narate. Sien father Aiolos has its name from the area on the west coast of Anatolia in the north over Izmir. Aiolos is also the legendary king of the Magnesias in Thessaly. It is thought that his son Magnes all Manisas, including ours, give his name.
The first, the Magneter mentioned, Homer: The son of the Thethredon, Protheus, bids on the Magneter. You live on the shores of Penelos on laubrasselnden mountain Pelion. The quick rennende Protheus is their leader. Under his command, forty ships. (Homer, Illiade, II, 756-759) It vesteht sure that the mentioned here Magneter coming from Greece.
Manisa (Magnesia ad Sipylum) got its name after the occurrence of Magneter. Herodotus mentions the looting Magnesias by the Persians after the capture of Croesus by the Persian king (546 BC). (Clio 161) also Damascanus writes that Gyges (670-652) magnesia to be used for some attacks. Following these cases, magnesia lydische another city. Therefore, it must magnesia as Sipylum after the Trojan war before the time of Gyges five kilometers away further from Sipylum been established.
Strabo says that it is in the area Aiolos Kyme, Phokia / Foça and, in the mountainous area above / Izmir in the north and Temnos of Aigai. Hermos The river also flows through it. "The Romans of the city gathered for independent and below the mountain Sipylum Magnisia is located not far removed from those cities." After Bilge Umar was Magnesia ad Sipylum at that time no important city, they have their significance at the time of the Turkish principalities and the Ottoman Empire gained. We agree with this assessment. The fact that we have the earlier times little know, is an important proof.
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