We listen to the voice of the border Edirne, a beschlagene vote. It sounds the voice of our poet Arif Nihat Asya:
They say Selimiye [famous mosque Edirnes], it forecasts Edirne
It is a sweet feeling wunderliches.
With archery, fountains, minarets
Come all the old plants.
What's not everything from Edirne? An incredibly rich history. There are an infinite number of historical heroes songs and legends there.
Thousands of years come from the Asia Thrakier. A strain of the Thrakier, Odrissen come to where today Edirne, they found a city that they call Odrissia. From Odrissia will eventually "Orastia". And one day, the Roman emperor Hadrian here. He gives the city its own name and change the name to "Hadrianapolis". This name later takes the form "Edrinepoli".
The Turks brought the right ...
This Edrinepoli from Edirne, the centuries wait patiently each other ... In the year 1361 is as they expected, under the command of the field of Padischah Mr Murat Hüdavendigar, Lala Şahin Pasha is Rumelien erobert.Kaum the Byzantine commander Edirnes learned that the Turks with a large army to march to Edirne, he flees across the river to secretly Meriç Enez and leaves the city führungslos.
The Turks riding in front of the fortress Edirnes:
-- We do not bring war, we will bring you justice. Open your doors, no one is a hair bent, your life, your good will certainly ...
The führungslose Edirne is full of doubts. It lowers a deep silence of the city ...
The Turks raise the voice again:
-- We give you a period of three days. Where you ... During these three days drag on the Turks in the vineyards and gardens in the vicinity of the fortress. Each is the money for the grapes and fruit, which he has picked in Goldbestickten Atlas exchanges in the vineyards in the tree branches. The Edirner who for three days from the towers of the city walls observed on the third day to make one last attempt. They let their daughters half naked in front of the city and are on the Raden Festungstor before the dance. The Turkish heroes remain at the sight of this half naked dancing girls, a beautiful than the other, only spectators, they do not even budge ... After this trial, is the nation Edirnes its decision. Around noon open their doors Edirnes the Turks. The Turkish army is jubilation and receive flowers.
Indeed, Edrinepoli to Edirne, the Ottomans found within a short time this city anew and make it their capital.
The inverted tulip in the Selimiye
Until the conquest of Istanbul, capital of Edirne, with works of architecture as Sera Illes, villas, mosques, Islamic universities, caravanserais, bathrooms, kitchens and poor hospitals decorated. How is it that in the Ottoman art monuments Edirnes a new era, attend Edirne style. Few are the Old Mosque and the mosque with the three galleries completed, the architect Koca Sinan [the great Sinan] with the Selimiye his championship and create a monument that the Hagia Sofia in the shadow represents a still higher, an immortal building . With its four slender and softens into the sky towering minarets Selimiye Mosque is the symbol Edirnes. These three plants say the Edirner:
The inscriptions of the Old Mosque,
The Gate of the three galleries,
The structure of the Selimiye ...
These rhymes are always on the lips of Edirner. Here again we listen to the voice of the poet Arif Nihat Asya:
The stones to look at the end of a road
The gate of dendrei galleries.
If you to that page wendest Register,
If the old mosque cut wall.
If we continue doing three steps,
If a silence a cool dome.
The most beautiful minarets of the world,
And the largest of the domes are:
It is the Thracian Turks title deed.
If the speech at the Selimiye, we think of the history of inverted tulip. When they wanted to build the mosque, stood on this hill the house of a stubborn non-Muslims, provided the resistance. Finally, he is willing under the condition that it be a sign to commemorate the mosque would be a tulip motif ...
But this motive was to mark his Halsstarrigkeit umgekeht drawn ... One of the stories to Selimiye ...
The monuments Edirnes enchant the sense not only as monuments, but also with its marble work, the Pozellanziegeln their hand ornaments, wood carvings and Permutteinlegearbeiten.
Edirne, with its more than a hundred old buildings a "museum city". An art gallery in Thrace. Edirne is not only the city of art and skill, but also the place where the Turks with their strength and virility challenged the world. Each year, in June, Sarayiçi in Edirne, the historical Kırkpınar fighting organized ring.
Where does the name Kırkpınar?
To Kırkpınar there is a story. It is said that in the years when the eldest son Yıldırım Beyazits the Emir Suleiman Çelebi Edirne in the Sultanate of responsibility, whether in this war against trains gone and the Balkans during this war, he trains at every opportunity its heroic akıncılar [unbesoldeter, dependent on looting Vortrab of the Ottoman army mittelaletrlichen] rings together. There were but two akıncı, which moved at every stop their leather pants, ipakipagtalo each other and, although they spend hours each ipakipagtalo wanted the struggle simply can not decide ... Now. Six hours behind Edirne, it was Saloma to the village and made a meadow to rest. The two akıncı immediately withdrew their leather trousers went to the ring in place and began wrestling with the ... The hour passed, it was dark, nobody could defeat the other. Viewers tired all slept, but the two pehlivan [of the traditional Turkish wrestling ring fight] did not take away from their wrestling. Against morning breathed into her last Odem, both remained on the spot.
The Pehlivans, not even in death on the back were forced
What we see the next morning, the two heroes are in the middle of the meadow on the stomach. Not even death could force on the back. They were at the forty points, in which their knees were beaten, forty sources emerged and irrigated plätschernd the meadow ... They dug the grave pehlivans there, and because their backs are not touched the ground, buried it Bäuchlings. Subsequently, on the meadow called Kırkpınar [= forty Resources] every year wrestling tournaments ausgefochten, this tradition has survived for centuries.
Today Kırkpınar on the other side of the border, but the tradition is under the same name in Edirne continued, from all corners of the country come pehlivans, and here, to commemorate the two akıncı they place their forces on the ring space ...
There are not enough words to tell of Edirne. The words exhausted, Edirnes stories are without end.
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