The creator turned generosity, all the beauties he verleihte Bursa ... Mountains, rocks, trees, water, earth, everything is beautiful .. When it was founded, by whom it was founded in this beautiful city? The imagination of the Turks that this could only Hz Suleiman [King Solomon] ... Because Suleiman always spoke of the beauty was in love with the beauty, shone on his forehead the prophets gift to his head shone the crown of the monarch, he was a Padischah, all the commands. And one day he hurried to the summit of Mount Uludağ .. And what does he? Everywhere green for the eye, water everywhere for the palate, a thousand types of fruit to taste and the taste does not end ..
He turned to his Vizier:
-Cennet burası! [Here is the paradise that burası = here] he said.
The hard-aged Vizier understand this word of Padischah as "Cennet Bursa. Immediately, he gave the architects command within a short time they built a city. Since those days called this place "Bursa". And Hz Suleyman received a while in this city, together with the sultana Belkýs [Queen of Sheba] he received the supplicant.
Thus, the naming Bursas forecast. But the historians write that the city of Bithynischen King Prusis the Second geründet and therefore "Prusa" was. One other unverbürgten message that sought the go-cart Hager Hannibal, after his armies beaten, protection during Bithynischen King Prusis, and for which he established friendship, he founded this city on the slopes of the mountains and Olympos called it "Prusa." Whatever the case, Bursa is the conquest by the Turks to Bursa. The Ottoman Padischah Orhan Gazi has conquered Bursa and new. It says about this:
Söğüt, where he resided as a tribal prince, was too close to him has become within a short time he conquered the Byzantine individually castles in its environment and so was the Osmangazi founder of a state and he said:
-- Continue Bursa nch! ..
So he spoke, he spoke of nothing else. He had in Bursa, in this beautiful city of love. He did not want to die without conquering it. Although his sons and weapons companions Castle Castle medicine, he was with none of them satisfied. Bursa had to be taken, we had the banner of the Sultanate to its plant towers. Only then would he einschalafen, then the Principality would be a principality, the state a state.
The Testament Osman Gazis
It was necessary to determine the fortress Bursa simply do not want to fall. The city is then stored at the monastery Hagia Elias middle of the mountain, where today Tophane. She was of strong, high Satdtmauern surrounded. In addition, the Byzantines sent plenty of help, the city resisted. The governor in Bursa was a man halstarriger The city was surrounded on all sides, even though the people in the city hungerte and dürstete, he is not handed over. Osmangazi knew that the people it was not to blame .. The governor forced them to defend .. The siege lasted ten years, but Osman was aged and anger before he fell ill in the blast. One last time he saw long in the fortress Bursas. His young crown prince to his left following his last testament:
-- I die now! It saddens me, because I leave a place like you. Be fair and merciful. Take this city, without blood shed. Only then will my mind rest. And bestatte me at the monastery with the silver dome.
They return to Söğüt, on the evening of that day ordered Osman its spirit of open eyes.
The last will of a father. Orhan Gazi, which refers to the throne of his father gestetzt had wanted to execute this Testament. The fortress Bursa was again under siege. All access to the fortress were cut off. He wanted no bloodshed, he wanted to surrender peacefully. The siege lasted two years. After that period, the people of Bursa from hunger and thirst desperate, they longed for a speedy capture of the city by the Turks. Finally, Orhan Gazi sent his close friend Mihal for governor:
-- Go and talk with him, he should not be stubborn. Sooner or later, the fortress us. If it without fighting and bloodshed ready to surrender, is a hair curved anyone who wishes to remain in the city who want to be leaving. This is my last word. It is now up to him ..
Shortly afterwards came back Köse Misal and the gates of the fortress Bursa opened the Turks. The governor had consented.
It was the year 1326, during the month of April .. The people received the Turkish Bursas the stately Turks as a savior among cheering, streuten flowers on them.
On the same day when Bursa was captured, the steamed boilers, began, the hungry people to eat. The historians report, Orhan Gazi had on that day personally distributed food to informing the public ..
Shortly afterwards it was not yet verwesene Osman Gazis corpse of Söğüt in the Hagia Elia Monastery, and there under the silver dome buried. And the monastery became the mosque.
A Testament was fulfilled, the story was a song of justice and mercy richer.
The legend of the girl Blonden
Bursa was then 15 years the capital of the state. Domes and minarets filled the city. From its mineral springs flowed yellow hot water .. Aufrechtstehender Each stone, each flowing water has its own forecast .. From the hot, yellow water states:
Once upon a time, hidden in the woods on this or that side of the Uludağ, a small hut, is a lived aged mother and the mother had a blonde daughter. And the blonde girl had a okkerfarbene cow ... From one of the udder of the cow milk flowed from the other honey. The blond girl with the hair like gold, a skin like quinces lips as rubies and one day went down to their cow, drank from its milk and honey soaked up by her. Then came from the depths, as Gestöhne a matte moving voice:
-- Blondes girls, girls Blondes! I've come, I come. Should I or brausend weeping?
The Blonden girl's hair stood on end, they trembled, it was cold sweat on the forehead, she ran to her mother and threw in their arms. They told haarklein what you zugestoßen.
-- This voice does not in vain. There are forces at work wonders. If you should hear again, so give answer. If we see what happens. The Blonde girls in the evening is full of fear for their cow. It looks around, there is nobody there ... Says they do, because there is a Grummeln a roar. The same voice calls:
-- Blondes girls, girls Blondes. I've come, I come. Should I or brausend weeping?
The Blonde girls took a heart and said:
-- Come brausend ...
Did she say that? The barsten rocks, the stones rolled. A veritable flood water brauste foaming out and tore everything. The blond girl was foaming from the flood covered the curls of her hair dissolved, the hair wallten in the water .. My heart melted burning in the water then.
The water is because of their blond hair yellow, because of their heart burning hot.
Yes, it is the saga of the mineral springs Bursas .. The water is resolved is because of the sulphur and other chemical elements yellow and hot, this water, the amber jewellery of the Green Bursa .. Bursa these miracles in beauty through the centuries.
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