If the westanatolischen cities for their legends, stories and heroes songs to raise, it must be with the Pearl of the Aegean shores start, the first word must Izmir, there must be the tip of the Ariadnefadens in the labyrinth of the stories ... Let us first by the name of Sage, the founding legend Izmir:
Once upon a time, as had a "Amazon gangs" Anatolia under their thumb, and brandschatzte attacked the cities and in these cities were all men by the sword. This Amazon wanted the yoke of men yield, were warriors who oppose the men auflehnten. These Amazons of strong physique rode naked, to better their arch span to be able to let it off their chest right! .. therefore known as Amazon, which means lots breast.
The captured men treated them as slaves, used to work the hardest and then killed them from murder pure pleasure ... Also Amazon as a gang came one day, Full Gallop in the Aegean Seas entlangeilend on the banks of the bay of Izmir. The city liked them very much and they decided here to create a city. Your Oberhäuptin was Zmirna, so they also gave the newly named town Zmirna. This name [Smyrna] was time to "Izmir" ... The mythology is named Izmir to this forecast. Some put the name with the life story of a beautiful girl named "Zmirna = Smirna" in conjunction. Zmirna her father was in love with the king, so the gods turned them into a Myrtenbaum. Both forecasts agree with them on "Smirna" as the old name Izmir.
The horse head of the Alexander In fact, the old name Izmir Smyrna. The historians tell us, Izmir is one thousand years BC by the Ephesians was founded, the old Izmir have between now and Bayraklı Bornova. Izmir, for the second time in its present location by Alexander. This story said that in a dream a voice to Alexander:
-- Stand in the morning to start in the same line with the head of your horse, a city ...
The stand in the morning, threw on his horse, and gallopierte in the direction in which it wanted out. The horse ran in the Bay of Izmir and held there. The city of Izmir has been on that point. Some also say, Alexander had this place because of the similarity of the Bay of Izmir with a horse head and his chosen city. The mountain Kadifekale Tepesi in the south of the bay of Izmir was with old name mountain Pagos. Stand above the entrance to the old castle a women's marble statue from the Amazonin Smirna, said that the city of the Amazon was founded. The Turks called this statue Saba Melikesi Kaydafa [Queen of Sheba] The castle called it therefore Kaydafa Kalesi, which over time Kadifekale. The forecast zuflolge gathered Saba Melikesi Kaydafa their men:
The men crossed durchwanderten and the world, and finally they decided to opt for the hills, where Kadifekale. They built a castle and founded a city. Saba Melikesi Kaydafa broke with its forty ships from Yemen and came to the Bay of Izmir. Kaydafa, very liked here, settled in the city with the castle and lived there happily for the rest of their days. The epic of Çaka Bey The Izmir to make what it is, were the founders of the state Anatolian Seljuk, Sohen Kutalmış 'Suleiman, this beautiful city in the years to 1076 won, and later Çaka Bey. Son of a Turkish prince, Çaka Bey led his horse, which he had ridden Central Asia to the shores of the Aegean. He was young, he was strong, he feared not from the heat of battle, but he was inexperienced. That is why he was in a battle against the Byzantines the field Byzantischen Mr. Kaba Lika Aleksandr as prisoners in their hands. Anatolia has been reviewed by the invading Turks city for city, village to village conquered türkisiert.
As the time since the turn of the Aegean coast and the conquest of Izmir came Çaka Bey was in captivity, were all Turkish prince really sad. But all felt certain that he will sooner or later, alive and in good health, returned to the head of his army and the conquests will continue.
After they captured Çaka Bey had made him the emperor as a gift to Kriegztrophäe. The emperor had his joy Çaka Bey, its openness and its refinement. He took in too and gave him a high rank. Çaka Bey was in the palace as a prince. He learned Greek. As long as he remained in the palace, how many months, wievieleJahre, you do not know ...
We know only so much, in 1081 he escaped from the Byzantine Palace, returns to Izmir, the head of his army and began with new conquests. And this time, when the mainland was not enough, he pricked into the lake. He introduced a fleet of forty ships, these vessels filled with strong Marine soldiers and argued against the Aegean islands. Within a short time, he had the islands of Midilli, Sakız, Sisam and Rhodes conquered. The experienced fleets in the top commander of the Byzantine Empire, manned with sailors under Sold, against the fleet of forty Schifflein of Çaka Bey, melted this Byzantine fleet meantime, burned, disappeared. The Turks showed their strength not only on the mainland, with Çaka Bey and under his leadership they demonstrated on the sea. Çaka Bey wins victories at sea and on land, he was in the process of the conquest of Anatolia. Now was his goal vornehmstes the heart and the head of the Byzantine Empire, Istanbul. Istanbul time, it türkisieren ... This was the biggest, the most sacred of all conquests ... The Byzantines had recognized his intention. We had Çaka Bey out of the way clear. First they had to discord between the Sultan of Iznik, the son-in-law Çaka Beys Çaka Bey and even sow. If Çaka Bey and Kılıç Aslan [Seldschukischen founder of the kingdom, Kılıç = sword, lion Aslan =] and unite against Byzantium who would be the fate of the Byzantine Empire was sealed. This was known and they wanted to prevent.
The Byzantine emperor Aleksios sends a letter to Kılıç Aslan: "Your Sultan's title is from your father and your grandfather transferred to you. Çaka But your father is in your place apart. He wants to put on your throne. You can not afford and you have to be alert ..." he wrote and brought against him Çaka Bey. :
Kılıç Aslan invited Çaka Bey in his Seraille, set up a feast and had him killed. It was Çaka Bey insidious in the case of his fallen enemies.
The conqueror Izmir, Çaka Bey died. But the conquests of the epic was not yet come to the end. The conquest of Anatolia continued without interruption until Fatih Sultan Mehmet.
After Çaka Bey conquered the Aydınoğulları [the sons Aydıns] Izmir for the second time in the year 1344, the St. John of Rhodes one of the two fortresses Izmir, the lower, eingenommen. Izmir 1403 fell into the hands of Aydınoğullari, later in the Ottomans. From now Izmir belonged to the Turks and them alone.
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