Mersin is one of the port cities on the Mediterranean and so new the city may be, is so old its surroundings. In the valley Soğuksu Vadisi there is the under the name Yümük Tepe known tumulus. The historians say, "The mother is Mersins the Yümük Tepe." The excavations made here are remnants of a five thousand years old have been found and it is assumed, this city was during the Hettiterzeit the most important defence and commercial centre. The "Pompeii Polis" ruins seven kilometers west of Mersin, however, show the existence of a large city especially during the Roman period. After the expiration of these two cities are the Seljuk Çukurova to come and have the cities on the Mediterranean coast one after the other captured. While at that time, the clan of Mersinoğlu where Mersin today, its tents and it was a pretty little village. The village remained until the middle of the nineteenth century to themselves, but after 1855 began, to hear from him. It was one of the Mediterranean ports and adopted a rapid development. The village became the headquarters, then the district town and after the proclamation of the Republic of Mersin was the central town of the district government Içel. With the completion of the port in recent years Mersin was one of the richest commercial and industrial cities of the south. With its historical riches of their surroundings, the city has its doors open to the World Tourism.
There are also those who That is, the name Mersins come from the real Myrthe [Turkish mersin ağacı], in the Mediterranean area is growing. Once the city was at this point from the nearby town of Tarsus subject, the Mediterranean port of Tarsus.
The legends of Tarsus
We act now Tarsus, we listen to stories from Tarsus:
The Assyrian King Sanherip took the city Babel, for example, and founded Tarsus, says man. It is also, in Tarsus had towers and hanging gardens as in Babel, and that the Romans had destroyed those.
The myth that has a gutassehender young man named Belerofun a milchweißes horse with black mane and golden wings, one day flew out of Tarsus, seen it with the help of the gods in his possession, and a giant Tarsus heimsuchenden killed. The young man was the pride of this victory to the head and he claimed to be divine. As a mosquito pricked the winged horse, he bäumte wild and the young man falls on his feet. Where the Fusstapfen to see, it became a city. And you called it "Tarsus", was "Fussohle". Others say the name come from the Tarsus hettitischen God Tarhon, the city was founded in his name.
Alexander the Great, after the victory over Persia, for a while remained in Tarsus, yes malaria, which it in niederstreckte young age, he has to swim in the river at Tarsus Kidnos apply, it is the familiar story.
Another vielgenanntes Eriegnis has also zugetragen in Tarsus. The Egyptian queen Cleopatra and the King of Rome Anthony have taken here and the greatest love story of the world lived. This incident has both sinking prepared and the name of Tarsus went so again in history.
At the time of Harun al Rashid, when the armies of Islam conquered Tarsus have, it is said, the population of the town more than a hundred thousand. After a while got back to Byzantine Taarsus hand. In the year 1082 is Tarsus after a long siege of the Seldschukischen Sultan Süleymanşah. No sooner has he taken the city, he writes the Sultan of Trablusşam Ibni Ammar a letter in which it from him for the city of Tarsus, a Kadi and a preacher asks. A little later he says to Kadi and preachers, who came to Tarsus:
-- We have the Jihad, and conquered the city. This we consider as not enough. In order to complete this Jihad, one of the people you justice, the other a fire in their hearts and ignite it with faith. Your services are more important than mine, your sacred than the conquest Our.
Thus, the Turks not only Tarsus, but all cities Anatolia not only with force of arms but also with the power of faith conquered.
As we already mentioned in Tarsus have, we need the local legend of the Seven Schläfern [ "Ahsab-ı Kehf" = the disciples sleeping] tell:
Once upon a time, as was Tarsus and its surroundings by a king named Dakyanus dominated. The cruel king forced the people to worship idols and those who do not come to the temple, he hung on the strand. Seven residents of Tarsus, in one God believe flee to the oppression of the king to escape. With them, they also named their dog "Kıtmır". On the flight they fall in this cave into a sleep. Also Kıtmır asleep at the entrance to the cave. Whatever the case, then they wake up. One of them asks:
-- How long have we slept?
One says one day, others two days ... They have hunger. They send one of them called Yemliha in the town to fetch bread. Yemilha comes to Tarsus, Tarsus, but this is another Tarsus become ... As it was demolished and built anew. People are also others. First, he is surprised, then he thinks:
-- Perhaps the only way to me.
He goes into a bakery and asking for bread. He takes money from his pocket and it gives the baker. The baker takes the money and says:
-- This money is not valid for us! And are there. The man asks surprised:
-- How the money is not valid? If the money from the great king Dakyanus nothing?
Now astonished the baker.
-- Who is this because Dakyanus king, a king so we do not know.
When he speaks in that way, he draws the curious. One understands now. The king Dakyanus has been 500 years dead D.h. Seven of the Tarsus have 500 years slept in the cave.
The incident is within a short time the Prince of Tarsus. The prince calls for the Yemliha in the palace. He listens to what is to befall him. Together, they go to the cave. Hardly has Yemliha enter the cave, he sees that his friends and even their faithful dog Kıtmır died. He, too, there is in his mind.
The inhabitants of Tarsus then bury these seven men of God and Kıtmır. After this cave is called "Ahsab-ı Kehf and it is a place of pilgrimage.
Ashab-ı Kehf caves [Siebenschläferhöhlen] is also available in Elistan and Ephesus. These caves are not only Muslims but also Christians as holy, and faithful of both religions wallfahren there.
Tarsus is the site vielrr forecasts. If you have any of the rock columns of St. Paul, the Holy chriistlichen through the gate of Cleopatra, which states Klepatra was there with her through Brautzug paced, geradewgs to Silifike the Mediterranean coast along, begenen them at every turn a whole Tangle of forecasts and may differ from the beauty of the natural charm. It is mainly the blood court, the Virgin castle, heaven and hell to call and, further inland, the ruins of Uzuncaburç [long tower] and Silifke in the Hagia Tekla.
Silifke is after the death of Alexander the Great by one of its famous commander, Selefkos before 2300 years ago and named after its founder. In the year 1190 ggeht the German Emperor Frederick Barbarossa in the third Kreuzug and comes with his army navch Silifke. When they cross the river Göksu gets one of its soldiers in the raging waters of the river and the emperor tried to rescue him, but it gets himself into the stream and drowned. This incident was still known Silifke and subsequent generations all over the years repeatedly reported by this event.
You have not enough words to at Mersin and its surroundings to tell. This area is the focus of a long history, legends and stories.
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