You can incht Kütahya mention the name and then simply go on. Kütahya was once the capital of the strongest principalities, the Germiyanoğulları and the city is a historical focal point, whether it was the policy or whether at the artistic field.
When the story begins Kütahyas who founded the city? No one knows. According to an ancient legend, the widow of a pottery, jars, plates, vases, which they contributed to the market, a more beautiful than the other, were very delicate, but just as durable. The buyers in the market, observed the woman on their way and gave whole bag of money to their burned Tonschüssel to acquire. The Tonhandwerker were shortly before the bankruptcy. They came together and took a Entchluss:
-- The subtlety of this work, this durable pottery are not the work of art this woman, but the sound, which they needed. Our sound good for nothing. Following their footsteps, wherever the woman herholt their tone, as we get our sound, they said.
After a market day, because of the elderly woman. After a long walk, the woman at the point where today Kütahya, on a small hill their vessel filled with sound and came back. After all Tonhandwerker flocked here directed workshops here and it was a city. Since that day said they "Seramorum" d.h. "City of Ceramics." Later called the city "Koteyum", which in Seljuk period "Kütahya".
In fact, Kütahya from ancient times until today as the city of ceramics and porcelain. In the Ottoman period was the second Kütahya Iznik porcelain city. The local ovens burned and blumengemusterten colored vases, plates, water jugs are now honorary places in the museums. And there's a green, which is called "Green Kütahya and otherwise has no other name. It is in these works do not sattsehen.
Kütahya was also an important city in the Phryger, the Anatolia in a deep-rooted civilization building. The because of its well-known fables and stories phrygische Volkspkilosoph Äsop was at this time, in the years to 620 BC in Kütahya born, it means he is away from Kütahya and sold as a slave. Everyone knows his pithy stories, always been Äsop parents and instructive, he showed the sharp mind and moving the Kütahyer and was a pleasant man and wohlberedter contemporary.
One day wanted his master that he had withdrawn from the market the best and the Poor mitnahm tests and cooked it and prepared a meal. Äsop goes to the market, buys a tongue, cooks them and sets his men:
-- Here, the best and the worst is the tongue.
Depending on how they are needed, he says.
The story of the thousands of gold coins:
Another important event in the history Kütahyas took place in this city as the eyes of the Byzantine emperor Romen ausgestochen Diogenes. As is known the novel Diogenes suffered a decisive defeat against the Sultan of the Great Empire Seldschukischen Alp Arslan, on Friday 26 August 1071 at the Battle of Malazgirt. He was in captivity, but was released. On the way back to Istanbul, he was caught and brought to Kütahya, where the son of the emperor Jan without pity the eyes of his father ausstach, naked on a mule and set on the island "protein" banished. Shortly after this event conquered the founder of the Turkish empire Seldschukischen, Kütalmişoğlu Suleiman Shah in 1074 Kütahya. But this conquest was only a short time, Kütahya wecheslte repeatedly owners. Finally won the Seldschukische Sultan Alaeddin Keykubad Kütahya for the Turkish country, this time in the long run. Also on this conquest, there is a heroic song. After this oral legend considered the Seldschukische Sultan still, as he this safe and high fortress could take, as was his familiar Emir Imadeddin Bey to him and made the following offer:
-- My Sultan, there is a way out. Allow your servant. I'm going to Kütahya and spähe it. They will capture me and in the fortress. I will be the strength of the fortress and the enemy forces thoroughly explore. Later it triggers me. The rest is easy.
The Sultan takes this offer. While Imadeddin Bey fortress before the Kütahya kundschaftet, throw the Byzantines at him and take him prisoner. They bring him to Kütahya in the interrogation and ask who he was, what he had to look here.
I am the leader of the Raiders of the sultan. The arrow, which I abschieße, always reached its destination. If you want, but it introduces me to the test. I was here in the hunt for Rebhühnern for my Sultan.
The Byzantines introduced him to the test by him against their best shooters could each other. You see, he is a real huntsman, his arrow always reached its destination. They ordered him to train their soldiers. Imadeddin Bey does well for a few days quite happy. This activity also kundschaftet the fortress. Since sends even the Sultan Alaeddin an ambassador to the Festungstor, which brought the Commander of the fortress following message:
-- The main Raiders of the Sultan is accidentally come into your country, we have learned that he prisoner in your fortress. We want your ausiefert him. This is the fortress commander zugetragen. The Commander:
-- Also we can be a good use of sharp shooters. When the Sultan as his first hunter misses, he Golddinare send one thousand, then let him free.
Golddinare one thousand were a great asset for which money could buy mangleich a fortress. When the news reached the Sultan, Alaeddin orders without thinking about:
-- For such a hero, I not only thousand, but also ten thousand pieces of gold. Solves him immediately.
To one thousand gold pieces will Emir Imadeddin from Byzantine captivity triggered. Once again his freedom he had joined the Imadeddin before the Sultan:
-- Well, my Sultan, everything I have learned, instructed me as soon as possible, with the conquest of the fortress. I will enjoy my Sultan and the money paid for me with the force of my arm retaliate.
And so, Imadeddin Bey fortress Kütahya. Its treasures spread before the Sultan. Since that day, he was under the name "Imadeddin-i Hezar Dinarî", which means "Imadeddin the Taausend Golddinare". In Kütahya Bethäuser and mosques were built. The poor got to eat, for the orphans were provided. The Kütahyer know him as a savior with the word "As the Hızır he came in time to help" they charged him in the rank of saint. Even today, on a hill outside the city of Imadeddin thought, here is drinking and celebrating the people. After the seldschukischen time witrd Kütahya capital of Germiyanoğulları.
Later, the prince married the Germiyanoğulları, Shah Suleyman the eyeball like his beloved beautiful Devlet Hatun with the gutausehenden Yıldırım Bayezid, the son of the Ottoman Padischahs Murad Hüdavendigar. As a wedding gift he leaves Kütahya and the surrounding area. Indeed, in a Kütahya Brautzug as Aussteuer in the Ottoman Empire, is one of the most famous and prestigious districts of the Ottoman country.
Home of the art:
Kütahya has during its entire history many ways, artists and poets emerged. Among them are: for his work "The Life of Alexander" Ahmedî known author, the creator of the work Kitab-ı Cihannüm ", the historian Mehmed Neşrî, and ten of his itinerary known wohlberedte pleasant Holy Çelebi. The letztgenannt Kütahya was born in 1611 and 1682 deceased Holy Çelebi is the son of Mehmed Derviş Zıllî from Kütahya. At the age of 21 years, he went with his father to Istanbul, joined the services of the Illes Sera, took his opportunities durchreiste true and criss-crossed Anatolia, the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Rumelien and gave his impressions in his itinerary. As he himself says, he saw one night in a dream the Holy Prophet and loud commotion he said instead of "Şefaat ya Resûllah!" [about: seist du Resûllah blessed! "Seyahat ya Resullah!" [Seyahat = travel], the Prophet had only smiled him his wish fulfilled. Then he had his whole life umhergerreist and wandered and he has given us a Wek for eternity leave.
We have the word Kütahya started, but it can not stop. This charming, green, smiling, Kütahya. With you, one is not ready. You are home to the glorious songs, the endless tales and have a unique history.
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