Urfa is called the "city of legends". In fact, under every rock legend a hidden, every corner, every old building tells of a legend. Urfa is home to the legends, a brühmte Anatolian city.
In writings on history and religion states that the "original" of the Biblical city of Urfa. Ur is in the old Altaysprache with a moat surrounding city. The Holy Çelebi was Urfa, according to one of the cities that Noah after the flood founded, and it is of a king from the tribe Semûd called "Ruh" has been set up. For many years, the city under the name Ruh known, then we have after the conquest by the Seljuk a "great" before "Ruh" thus the name Urruh 'had become, what with the time Urfa.
Near Urfa, the ruins of the fort Nemrud, in the vernacular Nemrud Mountain, which tells most forecasts. Two pillars in the north of the fort are two pillars, the people are the "catapult". It is said that the Prophet Ibrahim [Abraham] was with this catapult of Nemrut to the huge pile of burning wood geschleudertwworden. As is known believed the Prophet Ibrahim to His Holiness the only huldigte God and not the king of Asur, Nemrud, because the claimed to be divine, so he broke his idols. Nemrut bids, the Prophet Ibrahim to burn. Where today the fish lakes called "Ayn-ı Züleyha", they brought a huge pile of wood and lit it. They His Holiness Ibrahim to a catapult and hurl him into the fire. Ibrahim does not fall into the blazing fire but on a mountain with tanks of fish in and play with beautiful gardens. It is said that the sacred red fish, the undisturbed in the basin "Halil'ül rahman" swim, a überbleibsel those days. It also means many prophets are buried in Urfa, Adam and Eve had lived here for a while and Sara, the mother of Ibrahim, voted in a local cave found her grave. Thus, Urfa, the "City of Prophets" and pilgrimage destination.
One tradition that the residents have Urfas the prophet Jesus in his time in their town invited. Jesus gave the ambassadors who had come to him, a cloth and send them back. Because one day, Jesus was crucified. One of his disciples stolen his corpse and takes them Urfa. And buries them to the point where the man "Deyr-i Mesih" [something like "Christian monastery"] called Later, the grave of a church. The Holy Çelebi: "At that time the disciples recited Bible verses in such a anrührenden voice that this TonartRehavi called, which was the name of Urfa ..."
In Turkish hand
According to penetrate Urfa in the 7th Century AD, the Emevî. At the time of the Abbasids Urfa and Harran are two major centres. The Sultan of the Great Seldschukischen Empire Melikschah instructed one of his Commander, Bozan so, to conquer Urfa. Emir Bozan snatches in the year 1087 Urfa Byzatinischen the kingdom. This device Turkish Urfa in hand and takes a good development as a city of culture and art. Especially during the Ottoman time, Urfa many ways, poets and artists. The exercise an important influence on the Turkish culture, literature and art. One of the famous poet of our Diva literature, Nabî, was born in 1640 in Urfa, received his education and came at the age of 25 years to Istanbul and joined the services of Musahip Mustafa Pasha. Within a short time was Nabî for his erudition and his extraordinary poetry known that he was one of the best poets of his time, his two verses:
In the Garden of dehri we saw winter and spring
We have the joy and grief of the wind seen
As he expresses, he has good days and bad seen works on paper, in the year 1712, he died in Istanbul. The poets Şani, Hikmet, Şevket and Kemalî are made of Urfa. In addition to its rich folklore Urfa is also an important place in Volksliedgut. This dance sung songs are full of fine taste and intimacy. An example:
Urfa, on the one hand
The Locke falls on her neck
As she covered her head
Every day it falls on a different page
And in another folk song, "In the face of his mistress, he finds the track of eyes," dor innigsten find the expression of popular singer:
Ah, my destiny, my treasure
In my heart throne, my treasure
In your face is the track of eyes
Who looked at you, my treasure ...
Under the peculiar Urfa courts found "Çiğ köfte" of course, we also assume report. Çiğ köfte they can in many cities of South eat, but in Urfa are something special. The actual home of the Çiğ köfte is Urfa. There is also a legend that:
As Nemrud to the Prophet Ibrahim wanted to hurl the fire was all wood collected in Urfa. Moreover, given decree that no one should ignite a fire, nobody should chimney smoke. In those days was a hunter from Urfa, a beautiful gazelle shot, brought them home and skinned. Now they had only cooked. What should his wife do? It takes the meat from the back run, it zerreibt between two stones, including wheat mixes, add salt and pepper and add kneads the mass, then it before her husband, crude. They eat each other and the Geicht them it tastes delicious. After that day Çiğ köfte is a main dish, not on the table may be missing, his fame has spread. With plenty of Ayran and fresh onions is Çiğ köfte as Naionalgericht Urfas.
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