By plane
The route network of the Turkish airline THY connects the international airports of Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Adana, Trabzon, Dalaman and Antalya with all the major cities of Turkey. Information on schedules, reduced rates and prices are available in all THYBüros (see "Links"). THY buses for the transfer from the airport into the city and vice versa are available everywhere.
By boat
Passenger ships Along the coast of the Marmara Sea, the Mediterranean and Black Sea are regular passenger ships of the Turkish shipping company TDI. Departure: Galata Bridge (Karaköy), Sirkeci and Eminönü. Cruises should be made as early as possible as they require. The Bogazici (Bosphorus) - Coastal areas are also fahrplanmäßig there.
Car ferries
a) Istanbul - Mudanya
b) Istanbul - Bandirma
c) Eskihisar-Topcular
d) Canakkale - Eceabat
e) Gelibolu - Lapseki
f) Odunluk - Bozcaada
g) Gökceada - Kabatepe
h) Istanbul - Izmir
i) Bodrum - Körmen (Datca)
j) Istanbul - Sinop - Samsun - Ordu - Giresun - Rize - Trabzon
Urban Transport
Bogazici Karaköy (European side) - Haydarpasa (Asian side)
Karaköy (europ. page) - Kadiköy (asiat. page) Sirkeci-Kabatas-Adalar-Yalova-Cinarcik Marmara - Passenger service
Avsa, Mara-Mara Islands - Erdek
Istanbul, Marmara and Avsa Seebusse The modern, fast Seebusse circulate regularly and frequently between the important maritime stations Istanbul
a) Bostanci - Kabatas
b) Bostanci - Kartal
c) Bostanci - Karaköy
d) Bostanci - Büyükada island
e) Bostanci - Bakirköy
f) Bostanci - Bakirköy
g) Kadiköy - Bakirköy
h) Kadiköy - Karaköy
i) Kartal - Yalova
i) Yalova - Kabatas
j) Büyükada - Kabatas
k) Bostanci - Yenikapi - Marmara - Avsa During the winter season Seebusse not circulate to the islands. Van - Sea ferry Between Van and the island of Akdamar operate daily during the season motorboats. On the lake runs a railway ferry between Tatvan and Van, the transit route to Iran. Information regarding reductions and timetables give all offices of the Turkish shipping company By train
Turkey is a vast rail network. Most trains have Liege, sleeping and dining cars. One attraction is in the form of nostalgia trips of varying length and in different areas of the country leading by a steam locomotive driven, comfortable trains required. Information regarding the roadmap, special discount travel and give all offices of the Turkish railways TCDD
By car
Turkey has a well-developed road network. The Istanbul highway is via the Bosphorus Bridge to Asia and flows into the Istanbul highway - Ankara. The streets of Europe E-80 and E - 90 lead on Turkey to Iran and Iraq.
International signs. On natural and historical attractions have yellow signs.
Traffic rules
European directives. Legal traffic. Speed Limit 90 km / h on country roads, 50 km / h in urban areas. In rural areas, because of the increased movement of agricultural machinery and livestock herds occurring surprisingly increased caution. The Ankara-Istanbul route is the meistbefahrene the country.
Filling Stations
The main roads are in regular service stations, around the clock are open. (Maintenance, repair shop and restaurant are usually connected). Unleaded gasoline is in the whole of Turkey.
Repairers are generally in the outskirts of large cities and to the Turkish champions Hauptverkehrstraßen.Die are remarkably clever! The Turkish Touring and Automobile Club TTOK provides information and provides assistance.
Car Rental
In the whole of Turkey, there are car rentals. Any information obtained from the local tourist offices.
All cities are among the country by a hand operated by private bus system. Buses depart at any time of day in big cities from the bus stations and in small towns mostly from the market place. Busfahren is the cheapest type of movement in Turkey.
Taxis and dolmus (Dolmusch)
Taxis are numerous in all cities and towns. You see it in the yellow color of the car. All taxis are equipped with taxi meters. A dolmus is a taxi or minibus, which, before it is a particular route abfährt while waiting until all seats are occupied. For this mode of transport is set stops, and the fees are from the city administration. A dolmus runs in larger cities, runs in the suburbs, the airport and often in neighbouring places.
Besides Istanbul, Izmir and Ankara can be found in any holiday travel agencies, city tours, half and full-day trips to the major attractions and several round trips in the program.
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