Trabzon adorns the eastern coast of the Black Sea as a crown for this city and our friends and Holy Çelebi following words:
-- If this small town called Istanbul, it is appropriate. This is a city as beautiful as the Garden of Eden. The Hamsi [anchovies] is very famous. He has written rhymes following:
Trabzon is our city Our hand will not stir a tree If it did not exist Hamsi How would we as May the Holy Çelebi us all characteristics Trabzons declare continue with the naming forecast continued:
Once stood at the place where Trabzon today is a pretty small town. One day came at Full Gallop and dust aufwirbelnd a rider in the small town. He went straight to the shop to the Hufschmieds and cried:
-- Beschlagt immediately my horse, and ye shall be completed before his sweat cools! Otherwise I itinerary you all with my sword down. The blacksmith, the Münzwappen crushed All tremble before the dignity of the Rittters. The blacksmith makes four horseshoe done immediately and extends it to the knights:
-- Here, my hero, look at the horseshoe! They like you, so we nail them, he says. The Knight weighs the horseshoe in your hand and turn it dan in the fist.
-- I do not want plate, I want horseshoe! he thunders. This blacksmith forges the four horseshoe made of pure steel and beschlägt the horse. The third rider is satisfied. He takes a gold coin from his pocket and it ranges. The blacksmith is the coin briefly between his fingers glide. All correspondence is of the coin as fortgewischt. The riders, who closely monitored, he says:
-- You take your bad gold! See, however, the coat of arms is not clear enough and the coin. The man is astonished heldenmütige and pulls a gold coin. A short Wipe the blacksmith crushed his arms. As the rider understands that it is not related to any relevant person has to do:
-- Hey, he says. Climb onto your horse, follow me. You're not a man for the blacksmiths, but for the field of honour.
After that day called this small town "Tuğra bozan" [the Münzwappen crushed], which over time "Trabzon".
After another unverbürgten message was from the fortress Trabzons round behauenen stones built to a low round table resembled. Today you can find these stones in Harman Kaya in Trabzon. From these tables a similar stones ... since the Greeks to the table "trabeze" said the Trabzon was the name of the city.
According to our Holy Çelebi, was the first founder of the city of Trabzon an enjoyment frönende, Vergügungsüchtige woman wesahalb this city "Tarb-zen", which means cheerful woman, or, as he also has had man of the city, because of their tasty water, the name "tarb-ı efzûn". In some books is also noted that the name of Trabzon "Tuğra basan" [Münzwappen final blow] come, and that in this city the Sultan coins with their own signature beaten.
Indeed, there are many in Trabzon beaten old coins. Fatih Sultan Mehmet conquered the city in October of the year 1461 and added them as the Ottoman empires, he also maintained in Trabzon a coin and he made sure that the city from scratch has been created. There is also a beautiful epic from this conquest. If they wish, so we listen:
The Fatih Sultan Mehmets armies were due to come before Trabzon. The king of the kingdom Pontischen, David, had Trabzon before Fatih save. He thought and thought and came to this decision. He sent a delegation to Fatih and made him the following offer:
-- Outside the city on the coast, there are a chain between the Hagia Sophia and the tower depends. If you have this chain with forty shots from the gun zerschiessen can, I hand over the city. If you do not succeed, should the armies of Fatih withdraw. As the leader of the delegation had spoken so, he added the following words:
-- The Sultan of your empire has always said he trust his artillerymen. Of course he will accept our offer. Fatih Sultan Mehmet took this challenge to his pride and his army. Since the message the King of Trabzon - Pontus, David, reached, he says:
-- We are saved. This with the naked eye can not identifiable chain from afar with cannonballs to zerschiessen is impossible. And if the chain is not ripping, Fatih but will keep his word and his army establishments. The hero Entahauptete Since work began with the gun to shoot. One, two, three! Fatih waited next to the cannon, with each cannonball, as they went into space, Fatih sad. The 39th Cannonball was shot down, and although the schäfsten schiessenden artillerymen tried, the chain is not disrupted. Finally, the Fatih the command:
-- Anyone who dares, to kommme gun. It was not a question of self-confidence. Although this last ball went into the void, then we would lose his head. Deep silence. Nobody came to the gun. In that moment, you could see that the gun was fired. The ball flew into the air. Who had the cannonball fired? All they were frozen before surprise.
Finally, we understood that a schmächtiger Janitschar times just fired the ball. They grabbed him and brought him Schlawittchen before the Fatih. Fatih asked angrily:
-- Are you artilleryman?
-- Am I not ...
-- Why did you then fired?
-- To the chain zerschießen, my ruler ...
Fatih foamed with rage. The last opportunity was missed. He said:
-- Instant off with his head! In the same moment his head has rolled. Shortly afterwards erscholl a clamour from the hills opposite.
-- The chain is torn ... The city is ...
Everything was in turmoil. The army as an avalanche flows into the city, especially off the front saw a Janissaries with his severed head under his arm racing! That was the Hoşoğlan, who has just fired the cannonball had ... Since Hoşoğlan mitbekam that he had seen, he broke on the spot.
Since the fortress Trabzons the flag of the Fatih blew, grew up a tomb over the final resting place of Hoşoğlan into the air. A tomb decorated with heroes songs ...
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