This form of storytelling, by the people since ancient times was used, was also confirmed by the Turks. It is known that the Turkish tribes of the steppes of Central Asia because of their life form known as "animal paintings" were in the foreground. After the religion of Islam, joined the descriptive painting in the background, because this form of representation on religious grounds. In its place came the art of decorative painting. For this reason is, if referring to the Turkish art of painting speaks, the more influenced by the West and developing modern painting, which also includes descriptive elements.
But we must not forget that some derived from earlier periods to the art works of painting can be counted. Although small numbers, they are from the period of Anatolian Seljuk some works have survived. These are usually plastic representations in the form of relief and earthenware painted drawings. In the Ottoman period can be a strong miniature art can be observed. It is known that in the period Fatih Sultan Mehmeds painter from the West were brought carrying pictures of the Padischahs and his family anfertigten. Ottoman artists were sent to Italy. This approach has been in the later periods may not pursued, but the their own art of miniature painting continued. In the imaging of the handwritten books with miniatures, you can also find a descriptive page. In this art are symbolic representations important than the representation of reality.
According to western understanding of the art painting were the first attempts by the Turks in engineering schools and war, as the newly Mühendishane Berri-i-i Hümayun (engineering school / pioneer) and the Mekteb-i Harbiye (military school). The first training included topics such as cartography and technical drawings, after a short time but was also liberalize painting in the classroom. For this purpose, teachers brought from the West. To the Turkish train students specifically, they were in Western countries, especially after France sent.
The reformed Padischahs 19th Supported this century the influence of the West. Mahmud II was of itself an image made and in the offices hanger. Abdülaziz employed itself with the art of painting. The works received the first Turkish painter, generally from the tradition of the military system came this century are mainly assigned. Due to the rigid and inexperienced expression, these images convey their artists are also known as "Turkish Primitivmaler 19th Century ". Some of their works show of photographs nachgemalte Serails Castle gardens or views of Istanbul. These painters are, among others, Hüseyin Giritli, Hilmi Kasımpaşalı, Sami Suleiman, Ahmed Bedri, Salih Aşki Molla, Osman Nuri Pasha, Ahmed Şekür, Selahattin Bey, Şefik Bey, Necip Bey, Münip Bey, Ahmed Ziya Şam, İbrahim Bey, Mustafa Bey Şevki Bey and be counted.
Towards the end of this century was one of the most important developments in the field of art of painting, the creation of a state art school. It is known that in 1874 in Istanbul by the painter Guillemet a private school with the name "Academy of Painting" was opened. This school was an exhibition of the works of students in 1876 made known. But the first institution in Turkey in the field of modern painting lessons there, was at 1 March 1883 opened Sanayi-i Nefise Mektebi (School of Fine Arts). (Later, her name "Academy of Fine Arts" and is today's Mimar Sinan University).
The painter and Museumskundler Osman Hamdi Bey in 1882 was director of this institution. The first statute of this facility included the "principles for the implementation of the knowledge and ability mediation regarding Malererei, woodcarving, architecture and engraving. The painting is now training shifted to the military schools to this new facility.
In the 20th Century united the Turkish painter first time in an organisation. The first Turkish Association for the painting was in 1908, founded Osmanlı Resamlar Cemiyeti (Society Ottoman painter). The name of this company was founded in 1921 in "group of Turkish painter", in 1926 in "Turkish Association of Fine Arts" and in 1929 in "Association of Fine Arts" adapted. This type of organizations, the exchange of artists and solidarity mediated, in subsequent periods of certain representatives of art.
Even after the founding of the Republic, the activities in the field of painting. The School of Fine Arts (Sanayi-i Nefise Mektebi) was founded in 1928 in the Academy of Fine Arts converted. Also in this period was the initiative of Western artists in the country to bring Turkish and foreign artists in to send continued. Among the first artists in the early years of the Republic of the Academy of Fine Arts completed, were among other things, Şeref Akdik, Refik Epikman, Mahmut Cûda Fehmi, Ali Avni Çelebi, Zeki Kocamemi and Turgut Zaim. To overcome the shortage of teachers counter was founded on the Gazi Education Institute (today's Gazi University) set up the painting department in which many artists setting up a second painting their training activities recordings. Currently, the training in the art of painting from the faculties of Fine Arts some universities exercised.
In the art of painting after 1950 can be a variety of standing side by side currents, directions and views can be observed. Artists worked different views, not mutually exclusive to consider; Malik Aksel was due to its investigations of folklore known Turgut Zaim expressed its observations of rural area with him his own style for expression; Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu leaned in his works to the Anatolian Craft Art at ; Sabri Berkel joined by his abstract representations; İbrahim Balaban was an artist, who by his imitations of Nazim Hikmet pointed out; Fikret Muallâ, in Paris, his artistic talent was also shown abroad; Neşet by Günal its realistic images, which people on the land issue, known, the real architect Cihat Burak is by its own Einfühlungskraft him in his works known, Adnan Çoker specialized in abstract rules in his work and Salih Acar settled in his art, natural life influence.
In the latter period, in addition to masters such as Mehmet Pesen, Kayıhan Keskinok, Nedim Günsür, Fahir Aksoy, Şadan Bezeyiş, Nuri Abaç, Mustafa Aslıer, Turan Erol, Orhan Peker, Gerçin Ruzin, Ömer Uluç, Özdemir Altan, Dinçer Erimez, Mehmet Güleryüz, Devrim Erbil, Altan Gürman artists of the younger generation as Neşe Erdok, Oya Katoğlu, Mustafa Pilevneli, Suleyman Saim Tekcan, Burhan Uygur, Ergin İnan, known as the "comet" known Gürkan Coşkun, Gülsüm Mustafa Kara and Balkan Naci İslimyeli. Another artist, whose works also gained fame abroad, Bedri Baykam from the next generation mentioned.
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